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Project information

Inception phase of the EXCOM-EXLA CLOUD project and Epic execution 1

J. García-González P. Otaola-Arca

December 2018 - March 2019

Funding entity Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L

The EXCOM model is the tool developed by the IIT in collaboration with Endesa that allows 1) to determine the strategic self unit-commitment as well as its hourly schedule, 2) determine the optimal management of water resources, and 3) obtain estimates of the daily market prices taking into account ENDESA's full portfolio of purchases and sales, as well as estimates of the competitors behavior. The EXLA model allows the planning in the medium term and in the short term of all the hydroelectric resources belonging to Endesa. The result of the model is the optimal management of the reservoirs over the following months until the end of the next hydrological year, as well as the optimal policy hydro production with all the generation units. This project covers the development of the first "epic" (Agile methodology) oriented to connect with the Big Data of Endesa all the data set and results of the EXCOM model, as well as to run a simplified version of the model in Amazon Web Services.
